Monday, August 31, 2009

Ultimate Explosi0n Fight Battle Part One!1!

Remember how my bar manager accused me of stealing?
Well, Saturday he did it again!  I served (and cashed out) five shots, and he whooshed by me and said, "Where the fuck are those shots?"  I said, "They're paid out, dude."  He said, "Prove it."  I found the receipt, slapped him on the back (he's a full 6 inches taller than me) and yelled, so the whole bar could hear me - totally worth it by the way! - "Better luck NEXT time, buddy!!!"
He took me to the back and got in my face.  I think he realized I was going to knock his big ass the fuck out, because he backed up and asked me to talk to him out back.
I said to him among the meanest things I've ever said to anyone in my life.  Horrible, wretched things like how much I hated working with him, how I thought he was a garbage human being;  how I think it's bullshit that he's an asshole on PURPOSE...  but much meaner than that.
Man.  I felt great.
Anyway, let that be a lesson to you guys.  Don't accuse me of stealing, or I'll say really, really mean things to you!


Malach the Merciless said...

You still got a job? I'm impressed!

Parad0x said...

Last time he accused me of stealing I took it in stride - I think he understood why I couldn't take it twice.

No joke though - were I him, I'd have fired me.

Sigh said...

Good for you! Nice work!