Friday, April 2, 2010

"The truth is, there are some limits to what Government can do."

I don't like these types of statements from Obama (US Is Beginning to Turn Corner, BusinessWeek []).

It's just this kind of mentality that, according to my limited mental capacity, is degrading the United States.  Yet again we see examples of the socialization of Government - even more-so in that Obama can constantly say things like this without fear of being called a Communist.

We've begun to accept this idea.  "Hey, believe it or not - there's SOME stuff Government can't do."  But don't worry - we're working on that.  

Frankly, there should be LOTS of stuff Government can't do.  Unwarranted wiretaps, massive overspending, over-reaching social programs - all huge signs of what the Government has become - the overseer.  The Provider.  Mother and Father.  

I look forward to a day when we can refer to "government" with a lowercase G again - instead of the capital G that has, to now, only been reserved for the highest of powers - God.  

It seems that's what our government thinks it has become.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey. I think in comparison you Americans have it good with Obama... imagine if you were stuck with the dork Stephen Harper??