Friday, November 27, 2009

Tiger Woods Hospitalized!

I just hope he didn't do anything that could land him jail time.  I don't think I could handle a week's worth of headlines which were in some way a variant of a "Tiger in the Cage" metaphor.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Things have changed a bit...

...but not as much as I'd expected.
I figured the change would be as drastically noticeable as the day after 9/11, but things aren't as obviously uncomfortable as they were then.  News analysts are calling this the biggest single killing event to occur since September 11, and pointing out that its the biggest killing of this kind in US military history (which is significant, I suppose, because the US military is nearly 300 years old).  But things seem to be going on business-as-usual around town. 
I have to wonder - is it because this community is so desensitized to the idea of death that this is almost normal
The real test will be at work this evening.  I'll have the opportunity to talk to a lot of people that were closely involved in the incident, and I suspect I'll hear some interesting stories. 

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Terrible tragedy...

Today sucks.  It seems what happened in our community is all over the news, so you probably know what I'm talking about.  A lot of my bar regulars work in the building that was attacked (members of my family usually do, too, but were not present today for various reasons, thank God) and I'm praying they're all okay.
These things can happen anywhere, it seems.  This town's going to be locked down for a little while.
Pray for the victims and their families, por favor.

Reality TV

Turns out one of my friends is (was) on the show, For the Love of Ray-J.  That's kinda funny. 
She's back home, but I guess the episodes that are running are ones she's still in.  I've never been inclined to watch this tripe, but now that I know someone ON the show...  it seems less tripe-y.
Which it shouldn't.  Because it's still garbage. 
Still gonna watch every show now!  Hah!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Four years ago, when I began college, I was making just shy of $70k per annum.
Four years later I'm a month away from graduation, and I'm working TWO jobs to just BARELY eek out $45K.
What the fuck is going on here?  I'm tired of working two jobs and going to school! 
Blah.  Boo. Boo.  Puppyfuck.