Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bad Things

Good news!  Girl and I are back together, and have been now for a few weeks.  I'm very excited about this, as I see it as a fantastic opportunity to find new areas for growth in our relationship.
Unfortunately, human nature is getting the best of me.
Of late, I am feeling very guilty for my behavior behind the bar.  Excessive flirting, very very dirty talk, and on occasion physical contact (not kissing, sex, etc - but still, inappropriate contact) have become the norm, in particular after having had a few drinks myself.
I used to justify this behavior as money-making methodology - and the method has been incredibly successful, no doubt - but I feel like every time I work I slide closer and closer to making a relationship-ending mistake. 
The environment of the bar makes things very difficult.  Naturally, I won't drink behind the bar anymore - but intoxication isn't the only thing that comes in to play when I'm at work.  Any man will tell you that when a smokin' hot girl gives you her number, or invites you to do dirty things to her, or shows you her Sweater Kittens (is that still a modern term?  I hope not.) testosterone and horniness levels kick in to high gear.
This kind of behavior can't continue if I wish to rebuild and move forward with my relationship with Girl.  So if I can't change the environment itself, methinks it's time to change the environments I'm part of. 
Thusly and heretofore, and for what it's worth, forthwith - I set my final day as a bartender at April 17, 2010.  Until such time, all money I earn at the bar will be set aside as a savings buffer.
Here's hoping I solve this problem before it becomes a Tiger-Woodsian epic of failure and error.  Because believe me, while I'm no worldwide sports star, news gets around in my community - and if I fuck up, I'll face public scrutiny similar to what Mr. Woods himself faced. 
Even if that scrutiny is on a much smaller scale, it will still hurt if I have to deal with it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

It's a small world after all...

By now you've all read of the recent (intentional) plane crash in to the IRS building in Austin, TX.
Fortunately, besides the pilot, Mr. Stack, only one other person perished in the incident.  Oddly, that single person happened to be my neighbor's boss. 
It struck me (again - because the Ft. Hood shooting was even more close-to-home in that one of my family members actually completed Hassan's final legal paperwork for him before he went on his rampage) how interconnected we are in the United States - and indeed globally.
Imagine - only a single soul was lost in this incident, but it affected someone I have known for years very directly.  What are the statistical odds of that?  What were those odds twenty years ago, when the world wasn't quite as small? 
I guess my point is this - it doesn't take massive casualties for the loss of life to be far-reaching anymore.  All it takes is one. 
I'm not sure if that in some way makes our lives seem more valuable, or if it makes everything seem more pitiful.  But it's something to consider.

Monday, February 8, 2010

People in China seem kinda strange...

This girl is having cosmetic surgery to make her look like Jessica Alba - all in an effort to get the man who SHE dumped back.  Apparently her boyfriend was obsessed with JA (who can blame him?), but seriously..  changing yourself to look like someone else is NUTSO.
Sorry lady - you're nucking futs.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

In case you were wondering...

The new job is going very well. 
For the first time in my working career I feel I'm doing something extremely worthwhile.  I started Monday - and I'm already spearheading four MAJOR initiatives.  It's nice to see that what you're doing is of major importance - my projects impact every aspect of the business, from customer to executive - very satisfying.
I'm at work now - so more on this later.
In the meantime...  take care of yourselves.  And each other.