Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Floors Look Amazing... and other small updates

I finally finished the wood floors and trim in my home and ...  wow.  I'll put some pictures up in due time, as I'm relatively certain they'll do little to affect any anonymity I currently enjoy from this blog - I mean, hell, I'm already using my first name.

Work is going very well indeed.  We've opened up the nicest new bar in town with a restaurant soon to follow and I'm very excited.  I really, really feel privileged to bartend here, and I think this pays off behind the bar.  As with anything, the more content you are the more successful you are.  Oh, and the money is fucking awesome.  There, I said it.

Girl and I have been at one another's throats a bit in the last month, but we're working on this.  She's planning a move in the very near (read: days away) future and I may have lost a large bit of my current income so the stress is really, really pushing us apart.  But I feel like we're together to help one another THROUGH stress like this and I will do my best towards that end.  I love her, she loves me...  so we can do it.

School is not going so well so far.  I've missed several classes already and am behind.  I'm going to spend the next week working VERY HARD to fix this, but I'm afraid that for at least one of my classes I've lost the chance for an 'A'.  We shall see.

So.  On to read your blog to see what's going on with YOU.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We Got a Braaand Neewww Preeeesident...

Sung to the tune of the country song, "Brand New Girlfriend."

How have things been with you, dear reader?  You're doing well you say?  Good to hear.  What's that?  You're curious as to how Girl and I are doing?  Well...

I don't post about her often because I suffer from closet superstition.  You know when you're watching a ball game and it comes down to a final, critical field goal and the sportscaster begins talking about the kicker's strong leg and accuracy and how he's sure to make the kick and the ball is snapped, the QB sets the ball, the kicker belts it one and it looks like it's right on and ...  it misses a foot left?

Can you believe I posed that long a question to you?

Anyway, that's kinda the superstition I follow.  When you say things are going well, fate chuckles at you and throws things in a tizzy.  Yes, a tizzy.

But I will say this much and hope fate does not stir the soup of my life with her meddling finger:  we are doing very well.  Spring Break is right around the corner and we have big plans that I'm quite excited about - I've had TONS of work done to the house, which she seems quite pleased with (no, she doesn't live with me, but we can't leave this town until my house is sold, so anytime the house is improved moods improve proportionately) - and overall we're happy with one another and where our lives are going.

So here's hoping to a long, happy continued relationship.

Now....  off to sling some drinks.



Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm Not Sure I Appreciate The Implications of That Statement

A local sign reads:

"Organ Donors Make Better Livers."

I appreciate the pun, but I don't appreciate what this implies.  Time to go down that bottle of Bacardi...



Monday, January 12, 2009

Parad0x No More

In future posts you'll see the author as James - that's me. 
I've decided that I prefer posting and commenting more this way.  Why?  Who knows.
So if you see comments from James....  well, you know who it be.

Hospital Talk

I was rear ended yesterday afternoon.

On my way home, some jackass in front of me slammed the brakes for no reason - so we went from 50 to 0 in almost no time flat.  Unfortunately, the young lady behind me wasn't prepared for the stop, so she smacked right in to the ass end of my jeep.  All was well - except for the fact that her vehicle was totaled.

Unfortunately, I began feeling neck and back pains about an hour after the collision, so I went in to the ER to get checked out.  It was nothing serious - to be expected after a rear-end collision, in fact, and the doctor went off to write the prescription for Vicodin.

While he was away I listened to the jabber going on between the nurses in triage - lots of funny things, including one older male nurse singing the "Chicken Wings, hot dogs and beer" anthem and another older female nurse bitching about people being late for their shifts - "If they aren't here when it's time for me to leave, then I'm OUT of here.  I don't even care!" ... Another nurse: "I call bullshit!" - but some serious things to.

One conversation in particular that caught my attention was one between the admissions nurse and the older male.  "He's 23 years old with an enlarged heart.  He took five of these in an attempt to commit suicide.  He says he's tired of being sick."

I can't imagine being ready to give up.  Wild, huh?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Can't Waiiiit for Spring Breaaaakk...

The current question is whether to go to South Padre Island or to Las Vegas.  Vegas is fun any time of year, so to me the obvious choice is Padre.  We shall see, though.
The best thing about Spring Break's oncoming is the motivation it gives me to get back in shape.  My diet has changed back to that of a year ago when I was in great shape - and my exercise routine is twice as good, which should mean great results.
Among my many NY resolutions, besides selling my house and graduation (finally!), lies getting in the BEST shape of my life and keeping it that way.  Call it a lifelong resolution.
Further great news has come along.  Our company is nearly ready to open the new restaurant and dance club they've been building for so long, which means OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MORE MONEY.  What's better than making more money?  Making even MORE money!
Anywho, that's my update.  THUG LIFE!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wrong Impression

Our local newspaper printed it's January 1, 2009 front page with quotes from locals and former locals regarding their New Years Resolutions.

Overall, they were bland, which isn't to say they were without merit - but everyone and their mother wanted to lose weight, be a better person, improve the world and such.  In fact, most weren't in any way striking or original - save for one;  12 year old Danita's resolution was to "hope President Obama takes care of us."

Now, I grant that this came from a 12 year old, so the following may be reading too far in to her comments, but is it realistic to assume that her parents have truly been teaching her that it's the President's job to take care of us?  

And on a grander scale, is the nation under the misguided impression that it is the government's responsibility to look out for our overall well-being?  

I sincerely hope Obama brings change and hope to our country, but while he's handing out hope I expect him to make it quite clear that the government of the United States is not responsible for "taking care" of us - that it's our responsibility to look out for our own well being - and further, that if we allow ourselves as a nation to hand the government the job of taking care of our every need we will be giving up the very principles that have made our nation so great.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year my friends.  Here's hoping 2009 is the best we've ever had!

Girl and I spent our New Year at our bar and enjoyed a champagne toast at midnight.  Nothing too ritzy, I guess, but considering the amount of money she spent on her vacation it as necessary to save some money and stay in town.  Actually, it was quite nice showing her off after 10 days in the Florida sun  ;)  

I sincerely thought she was going to be the shit out of one of my new bar regulars though - because even after telling her I had a girlfriend she found a way of obtaining my number, apparently through a mutual friend.

Nonetheless, cooler heads prevailed - which is, of course, the right way to start this year off!