Monday, January 12, 2009

Hospital Talk

I was rear ended yesterday afternoon.

On my way home, some jackass in front of me slammed the brakes for no reason - so we went from 50 to 0 in almost no time flat.  Unfortunately, the young lady behind me wasn't prepared for the stop, so she smacked right in to the ass end of my jeep.  All was well - except for the fact that her vehicle was totaled.

Unfortunately, I began feeling neck and back pains about an hour after the collision, so I went in to the ER to get checked out.  It was nothing serious - to be expected after a rear-end collision, in fact, and the doctor went off to write the prescription for Vicodin.

While he was away I listened to the jabber going on between the nurses in triage - lots of funny things, including one older male nurse singing the "Chicken Wings, hot dogs and beer" anthem and another older female nurse bitching about people being late for their shifts - "If they aren't here when it's time for me to leave, then I'm OUT of here.  I don't even care!" ... Another nurse: "I call bullshit!" - but some serious things to.

One conversation in particular that caught my attention was one between the admissions nurse and the older male.  "He's 23 years old with an enlarged heart.  He took five of these in an attempt to commit suicide.  He says he's tired of being sick."

I can't imagine being ready to give up.  Wild, huh?


Mike said...

It's never a good thing to give up, but I can understand it. I have a friend who has been battling cancer for years now. He looks like walking death, but he keeps on fighting. I don't know how, or even why he does it.

Parad0x said...

That sucks, man, but it's gotta be a hell of an inspiration. I hope if (rather, when) I'm stricken with a disease like cancer I'm man enough to tough it out.