Saturday, January 10, 2009

Can't Waiiiit for Spring Breaaaakk...

The current question is whether to go to South Padre Island or to Las Vegas.  Vegas is fun any time of year, so to me the obvious choice is Padre.  We shall see, though.
The best thing about Spring Break's oncoming is the motivation it gives me to get back in shape.  My diet has changed back to that of a year ago when I was in great shape - and my exercise routine is twice as good, which should mean great results.
Among my many NY resolutions, besides selling my house and graduation (finally!), lies getting in the BEST shape of my life and keeping it that way.  Call it a lifelong resolution.
Further great news has come along.  Our company is nearly ready to open the new restaurant and dance club they've been building for so long, which means OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MORE MONEY.  What's better than making more money?  Making even MORE money!
Anywho, that's my update.  THUG LIFE!


Malach the Merciless said...

Sell the house? In this market?

Parad0x said...

Thanks to the heavy military presence in our town we have a bit of a "bubble" (at least compared to the rest of the US - home sales are still down in this area, regardless) that makes it possible to sell my home within a reasonable amount of time.

Then again, reasonable used to be 90 days - now it's six months.