Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The funniest thing about this healthcare reform... the way people "interpret" it.

News articles across the web are riddled with comments from people who think it's unfair that they will - get this! - be ARRESTED for failure to maintain medical insurance.  Take this insightful comment from

My sister cant afford the cost of 100 a month for her and her 2 kids, so now she gets fined and put in jail and her kids get government foster care. TERRIFIC!!"


I'm not saying I'm for this medical push - nor am I certain I'm completely against it - but it irks me when people make judgement based on information that was clearly passed along during a game of "Telephone."  Seriously.  Do your research before you get butt hurt.

1 comment:

Malach the Merciless said...

Yeah sounds like she in probably on Medicaid anyway