Friday, March 19, 2010

Tales of an Illegal Immigrant

New realization last night - one of our employees is an illegal immigrant.  (Here's hoping the fed doesn't track me down via this blog to get information out of me!)
Upon said realization, I began to grill him.  He's having a surgery for an ulcer next week - we asked him how he plans to pay for it.  He looked at us all and laughed - "You guys going to pay for it!"  Which was really, really funny since we know and like the guy - but gave us all an overwhelming feeling of the debacle the country is currently going through in regards to healthcare and immigration.
When asked how he did it, he told us in very broken english:
"You pay $2,000 - they take you to a place where you have to walk for t'ree days to get where you go.  Me, I pay $3,000 - and walk for only fifteen minutes."
Not only is the illegal immigration market making bu-ku dollars, they seem to be selling these services like Cell Phone plans!
Apparently, his cousin who lives in Northeast Texas, only paid the $2,000 and had to take a very, very long hike.
"Is it scary," I asked?  He looked indignant - "No, not et all."  "Did anyone from the border patrol see you?"  "Pfft, no one see me." 
Yes, folks - it really IS that easy. 


Malach the Merciless said...

I could tell you tons of horror stories about immigrants and health care. It's sad.

Sigh said...

I dont understand how he has a legitimate job as an illegal immigrant?

Sigh said...

I dont understand how he has a legitimate job as an illegal immigrant?

Sigh said...

I dont understand how he has a legitimate job as an illegal immigrant?

Parad0x said...

Quite easily, friend. All they have to do is find a company willing to hire them! Typically companies that hire in labor fields, such as that for which I work.