Tuesday, October 7, 2008

And I opened the conversation with a lie

I find it disturbing - no, take that back - HILARIOUS how common it is for people to open communication with others with a bold-faced lie.  Bold-faced lie.  I decided it was best done literally.
After work the other day, as we were cleaning up the night's mess, one of my coworkers told me he'd popped a couple exo's and a bar just a few hours before and wanted to know how fucked up he looked.
He looked fucked up.
About ten minutes later his girlfriend pulls in to the lot to pick him up.  As he opens the door, the first words out of his mouth are...
"Someone slipped something in to my water."
That.  Is quite.  Funny.

1 comment:

Malach the Merciless said...

Liar Liar pants of fire, should of yelled that