Monday, June 30, 2008

The Happening - didn't.

May be my fault this time.  She cancelled a date on me to go to a club my best friend bartends at.  Promised him that if she cancelled I'd come visit him.  I warned her that I'd be there and that I'd be at his bar.  I knew she'd end up there because every hot girl in this town goes to him for drinks.  My boy's got it like that  ;)
Anyway, eventually I see her there.  I say hi...  and then I start getting mobbed by people I know.  This night just happens to be mostly girls.  I'm not at all flirtatious with these girls.  Totally respectful.  I talk to her a bit, but I'm trying to respect the fact that they've having a girls night out.  Then I kissed her at the bar...  and then I may have accidentally went too far on the ignoring.
In my defense, I went to every bar in the place (6) and people were feeding me shots.  I was hammered.  Either way - just trying to be respectful.  Needless to say, she isn't talking to me at this point.  And I was really just trying to let her enjoy her girl's night out - not wanting to be in the way.
Oh well.
In other news, there's this girl from my bank that I've always had a bit of a crush on.  She's so, so stunning - Guamanian girl...  modeling and all that.  Awesome. 
Anyway, I saw her at the bank and made the comment that I never see any of them out in the world and that they're obviously all holograms.  Didn't tell her where I worked or anything - but when I got home I told my roommate that I had a feeling I'd see her tonight.
Sure enough - she showed up with the entire bank.  And gave me her number.  Apparently she's pretty interested. 
I'm pretty stoked on this one.  I've been digging this girl from afar for a year and a half now and never had the balls to do anything about it.  Perhaps I've found my chance.  Serend(r)ipity, right?
Maybe.  :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Happening Fucking Sucked

...but the company I was with made it enjoyable.

Seriously.  I think Shyamalan FORCED Wahlberg to act like a douchebag in this movie.  I get it - plants hate aggressive people and totally dig nice, douchebag guys who let themselves get run over.  And I understand that Shyamalan is sending us a message to stop tripping over little things.

But dude.  You could have done a better job of presenting your case.

AFTER the movie we went midnight swimming.  I already find her extremely attractive...  but wow.  The sight of her in a bikini is mind-blowing. 

We're taking things slowly and having a good time.  Maybe - just maybe - something will actually happen here.

We shall see.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Things are going exceedingly well

...since I've begun working at this restaurant.
I didn't realize the amount of attention you can get by being a server.  I've been getting quite a few numbers from really, really hot girls.  One girl, M, with whom I'm talking now, starts working at hooters next week.  Not that that's necessarily a good thing - but the last girl I dated worked at hooters and she was pretty cool.
They've got me running live trivia at the new restaurant and that's also working out very well.  I mean, this is a HUGE restaurant.  They spent 4 million to build it.  So DJing this trivia is a really, really big deal.  I've probably met and spoken to about 300 new people today just BECAUSE of the trivia.
The owners of this place say the trivia guys at all their other stores get laid a lot more after doing it.
Not that I particularly care about that - but I'm still pretty fucking excited about the opportunity.
Gotta keep it short - writing this post from work.  Much love.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Man I wish I'd hurry up and fix my laptop

Excuse the long absence - I haven't had steady access to a computer in who knows how long.  Hint to all Microsoft users: Never authorize automatic updates.
Anyway, lots has changed for me.  I left the bar and started working at a brand new restaurant in my area serving tables.  I've never served in my life but I'm catching on pretty quickly.  With any luck I'll be back behind the bar in a few months - but until then I'm making damn good money doing what I'm doing. 
In other news I'm moving back in the house I was going to sell.  One more person is moving in - my best friend, previously referred to as Bartender.  He has a few friends who are going to install hardwood throughout my house for 500.00 - and they get a huge discount on the materials.  We've already painted the place absolutely sick colors - so once the flooring is done it's party time.  Expect some rad stories on this blog in the near future.
As for Bar Girl, that chapter is temporarily closed.  We hung out a couple more times after my last post and had a blast.  She spent a lot of time talking about her ex, though - like I said, she dated him from sixteen to twenty - and I suspect she might have moved back in his direction.
Seriously - she doesn't come out anymore and her MySpace is deleted, so what else am I to think?
Since then, no new prospects.  None that I'm interested in, anyway.  I've always been pretty picky, but since Bar Girl started hitting on me my pickiness has become tenfold.
Gotta keep the confidence from turning to cocky though.  I've heard arrogance is pretty unattractive.
Still trekking though.  Still trekking.