Sunday, September 7, 2008

So much is going on

and I feel like I have nothing to write about.  I kinda wanted this blog to be something more than a day-to-day recounting of events that occured in my life, but because I write about things weeks after they occurred I find that I've lost the "in-the-moment" connection to my stories.  It turns out it's pretty hard to remember how you were feeling or what fleeting thoughts were passing through your head unless you write about those things on an as-they-come basis.
So I'll just say that things are going well - girl and I are having fun.  She leaves for vacation for a week, and I'm curious about what changes her sudden and absolute absence from my life - for however short a period of time - will bring to our relationship.  We've spent nearly every day and night together since we first began seeing one another a few months ago - I can count on one hand the number of times we've been apart - so this will no doubt be a bit of a system shock.
I think it's weird that we spend so much time together, to be honest.  Not in a bad way at all - it's just I've never ever been the type to want to spend every minute with the girl I'm with.  I'm an independent, gonna-hang-with-the-guys-a-few-times-this-week person, not a spend-every-minute-with-her type.  So I guess what I'm saying is it's pretty sweet.
And I also guess deep down inside I'm somewhat afraid that this protracted separation (when compared to the very little time we spend apart, at least...  a week isn't a particularly long time for anything at all to happen) will change our feelings about seeing one another so much.
Who knows?  I'm no good at this dating stuff - I just prefer not to think about it and see what happens.
This was a pretty damned fulfilling post.  Swedish.

1 comment:

Malach the Merciless said...

Take a hour each day to blog