Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Eleeection Dayyyyy

And my choice has been made.  Let's hope I don't regret it later.
Thinking of leaving my current job.  I've got it made there in some respects - the schedule I want, the MCing of their major events - but I don't feel like that place is for me anymore.  So I've applied elsewhere.  And methinks I'll BE elsewhere in the near future.
School...  is bland and boring.  I'm almost done, though.  I sometimes wish I'd just taken the opportunity to go to one of the schools far-far-away by whom I was accepted.  I feel like if I hadn't stayed so close to home I'd not have taken so long to graduate.  But then I wouldn't own this house and have met all these friends... 
...but I don't want this house anymore.  Just another result of the War in Iraq - me staying here for my mom.  I don't regret the decision, though, because I feel I've really made my mom's life a little bit easier.  And my life hasn't been so bad in the process.  In another year I'll be free to move around as I see fit - and to do so without college debt hanging over my head because the equity in my home will have paid for it all.
Girl and I had sex for the first time in NINE DAYS yesterday.  She knows me well.  The other day at lunch I came on to her in a way she didn't like - and a way I suppose I've been coming on to her a lot lately...  too aggressively.  No "love-making" - just "fucking."  So she went off on me - "This is why I never want to do it anymore..  You always come at me like this."  She apologized later, but I'm stubborn.
So the past five days I've literally been ignoring her sexually.  Kisses, hugs - lay down and go to sleep.  I've been waiting for her to literally ask ME for sex.
Last night, says she to me with a smile - "Can we please have sex tonight?  I'm getting kinda tired of your attitude."
She reads me like a book.  But I still win, right?
My 23d year of life is going to be my best.  I'm going to graduate college, sell my home, and get the fuck out of this shithole town in which I'm stuck.
Or I'm going to die trying.
I hope I don't regret that last line later.

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