Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The coolest thing I've ever done...

Friend and I were talking about the coolest thing I've ever done...

And I think it was when I extra'd for Friday Night Lights on NBC.  I met a lot of famous people - who will no doubt never, ever remember me...  but I met Kyle Chandler, whose career has really kicked off since he began that series (with appearances in Grey's Anatomy and movies), all the hot cheerleaders, in particular the one who used to date John Mayer [my fav. artist] and is CURRENTLY dating Derek Jeter...

I was actually offered a full time job on the show as one of the football players, but I turned it down because of the "great" high paying job I was in at the time.

Of course, if I'd known I was going to be laid off 8 months later I may have made a different choice.  I wonder if I could have kicked a career off that way.  

We'll never know now, will we?


Malach the Merciless said...

I would have taken it.

Parad0x said...

It was a hard choice to make, Mal - but I owned (and still own) this house, and I needed a stable job - not one that would end when the season ended or one that would disappear if, God forbid, the show was cancelled.