Monday, January 11, 2010

Has Anyone Seen This Movie?

   Has anyone seen Apocalypto?  The lead character in this movie has started frequenting my bar recently.  The dude looks pretty epic in the movie, but in real life he's pretty tiny.  Anyway, if you wanted to know what he drinks - double grey goose and cranberry.  If you see him, that's your first step to shmoozing the guy.
Lately we've had a few big names come through.  Tommie Harris and a bunch of players from Tampa Bay's Bucs for instance.  THOSE guys were beasts.  You can't understand the sheer size of these guys on the field because they're playing with a bunch of people THEIR size - but when compared to the normal populace, they really stand out.
Anyway, that's what's new in my bar.

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