Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Perhaps I are the craze.

I figured while I had this thought in my mind I'd paint an odd picture.
Imagine two large countries with completely different social and political philosophies.  Philosophies that are, in fact, at total odds with one another. 
Imagine these two countries coming to trade agreements - and imagine both countries prospering amazingly thanks to this trade.
Now consider that during this apparent peace there are still the underpinnings of philosophical rivalry.
Now let's imagine that one of these countries - a major exporter of toys, animal feed and other items various and sundry - is using sub-standard products to make these items.  In particular, products containing large amounts of dangerous substances.  Let's just say lead.
Now read this:
There are many different health effects associated with elevated blood lead levels. Young children under the age of six are especially vulnerable to lead's harmful health effects, because their brains and central nervous system are still being formed. For them, even very low levels of exposure can result in reduced IQ, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, behavioral problems, stunted growth, impaired hearing, and kidney damage. At high levels of exposure, a child may become mentally retarded, fall into a coma, and even die from lead poisoning. Within the last ten years, children have died from lead poisoning in New Hampshire and in Alabama. Lead poisoning has also been associated with juvenile delinquency and criminal behavior.
Think again about toys - and the age ranges these toys target.  Remember, said country exports a fair amount of toys to said country #2.
Then re-read the above paragraph.
Perhaps I'm crazy - but wouldn't it be a brilliant idea to expose your largest economic and military rival's children to things that reduce their IQ, cause learning disabilities and stunted growth?  Would that not, in the case of a war between said countries, be quite an advantage?
Paranoia, self-destroya, no doubt.


Parad0x said...

If you choose to imagine one of the countries as communist, you're welcome to. I didn't say it - I just made it obvious ;)

Mike said...

Certain Asian countries are very patient people. They are more than willing to plant a seed today that may take a few hundred years to grow.

Certain Western countries are greedy and way more than willing to buy things at bargain prices so that can reap huge profits and watch Wall Street go crazy.

It's almost like a match made in heaven.