Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Oh sweet, sweet sleep

It's so hard for me to get to sleep.
I think it's because my schedule is so ridiculous.  Wake up at 7, work from 7:45 to 4:45 (sometimes 5:45), go to school from 5 to 10:30, eat, play - get to bed at some time between midnight and one o'clock.
This sleep debt I'm accumulating is starting to suck so much I can't even catch up on sleep properly during my weekends.
Enter: diphenhydramine.
Sold in tons of products such as antihistamines like Benadryl and sleeping aids like Simply Sleep.
My little miracle.
Anybody else have trouble sleeping?
It sucks.  Bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have no idea. It's one of the things I'm known for.