Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I Killed Someone Today

How's THAT for a dramatic title?

I finished the final Harry Potter book today - finally - and enjoyed it very much. Obviously the most interesting of the series for many reasons, and also the best book in terms of writing and style. Rereading the entire series one will see the evolution JK Rowling has gone through as an author - akin to the difference between John Mayer's pop-rocky Room For Squares CD of old and his grown-up jazz-blues Continuum today.

I think watching this evolution is what makes art so interesting, whether written, sung or drawn.

Speaking of singing - man, Nelly Furtado is hot. Grr.

Per requests from one of my two readers I'm off to Xerox my ass. As for the job - I've got a firm "maybe."


Anonymous said...

You just finished Harry Potter? Sheesh. I read it that first weekend. It was good, but I'm kind of sad it's over. Sad and relieved at the same time. Weird. The book had way too many problems for me, but it was pretty good overall.

I'd hold off on the Xerox thing until that firm "maybe" has become a hard no.

Parad0x said...

I forced myself to read it only during my computer lab class (which I'm in now). Since I HAVE to be here for at least 56 hours this semester I figured I'd give myself an incentive to show up.

It's worked - my hours are almost done.

Should I just xerox my scrotum instead, then?

Mike said...

I have to agree with you on the whole Nelly Furtado thing. God she is hot.

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean Henry Potter.