Monday, August 13, 2007

On to happier things...

I do my best to catch a movie at our theater at least once a week. Although the inflated prices of EVERYTHING does leave me with a bit of a shitty, flesh-eating-acid taste in my mouth I buy my tickets anyway. Why?

Because it's worth it.

There's a lot to be said for the joy of watching a movie at the big screen with Dolby x.xx surround sound (technology moves so quickly!), ass quaking in your seat as you spill nacho cheese on your brand new flops. Not to mention your feet! Mmm... hot nacho feet...

But anwyay.

Hot Rod was hilarious. If you liked Napoleon Dynamite you'll like this one just as much. This is, quote my roommate, "one of those movies you have to see again." The movie was just as stupid as ND but the plot was much more substantial. Where ND only barely nudged at an attempt at progressive storyline before moving to its next bare nudge, Hot Rod shares a complete thought with the audience before moving on to its next awesomely jackassed cut. I don't want to give any of the story away - I want you to be completely surprised by the absolute genius of the plot. Geniusly stupid.

Meanwhile, Bourne Ultimatum was pure genius. My bad if you don't like seeing two positive reviews of a movie on the same page - you're fucked.

That movie was awesome. Bourne owns faces. Multiple faces - all at once. He's like, "Hey! Your face is MINE." But he can use both hands and feet and his head all at once to own lots of those gesicthen.

Spoiler Warning: Plot Details .. of a sort.. follow

Basically the movie starts with Bourne being a badass and figuring shit out. Then it proceeds to him whoopin' lots of ass. Moves shortly thereafter to fig'ring more stuff out while SIMULTANEOUSLY WHOOPIN' ASS! Then just straight whoops ass, gets a chick kinda sprung on him without ANY effort - kicks some MORE ass and gets a little bit beat up himself because (as I've mentioned in this blog before) motherf*ckers can't drive - and then figures more shit out then kicks a little ass.

My bad for ruining the movie for you.


Anonymous said...

I think this latest Bourne installment blows the previous two right out of the water...and they were fucking fantastic films.

Forrest Proper said...

We'll hafta put both on our list. I'm so behind- I'm still scheduling seeing Ratatouilli (sp?).

Mike said...

A friend of mine just saw the new Bourne movie and has been raving about it ever since. I'll have to add it to my list too.

Sara Sue said...

I watched all three movies the weekend the new one came out. I hadn't seen any of them before. My girlfriend insisted upon my education ... sorry kids ... I just don't get the big deal.

Parad0x said...

Methinks the problem is that you've overdosed. Watching all three movies in a row your FIRST TIME is pure insanity!

I suggest you build up tolerance for a trilogy before attacking the entire series at once - and this goes for ANY trilogy.


Sara Sue said...

BAH! I could set and watch the Star Wars Trilogy back to back ... The Godfather ... any three of the Star Trek series. The rest of 'em ... eh, they're all the same.