Saturday, August 18, 2007

Words of Wisdom from a Subway Venture

Call it what you will - "Wrong"-way, Jared's Fun House... Subway is a veritable crockpot of wisdom.

Take this tidbit from a group of teenagers who were strategically positioned directly BEHIND me as I stood in line:

Young Dude #1: "Man, I'm glad I'm not one-hundred and four."

Then later on that minute...

Young Dude #2: "Man, when I hit seventy I'm going to go buy a viper. I'm gonna take that thing down the highway as fast I can and the COPS are gonna take me out. Death by high-speed chase."

Young Dude #3: "Yeah dude - I'm gonna go skydiving. And I'm not gonna pull the chute."

I laughed out loud at all of this. Amazing what our youth do to prepare themselves for old age.


1 comment:

Forrest Proper said...

In my own mind I always see myself turning around and saying to the Young Dudes-

"Yeah, and on behalf of a grateful Society, I want to thank you for not wanting to make it to 70"...

but in real life I value having my real front teeth too much.