Sunday, September 9, 2007


This girl has been jocking me for over two months now and I've given her absolutely no indication that I am in any way interested - which is to say that I've given her EVERY indication that I am NOT interested.

However - I manage to do this while being a perfect gentleman. Which, in retrospect, is probably the problem because women can't take fucking hints and require men to be complete assholes in order to get their points across. But I digress.

Last night this all came to a proverbial head. Why proverbial? Because.

She comes up to me at the bar and says to me, "Do you even know my name?"

Yeah, really. That just happened.

After responding with an of course and repeating her name (I asked her if she'd forgotten it - she hadn't.) our conversation took a wrong turn.

It turned on to Lie Ville.

Her: "Sorry about those text messages I sent you the other night. I was drunk."
Me: "No, it's cool. I know you were trashed. We've all been there - don't worry about it."

Her: "No really - I'm super embarassed. I can't believe I did that."
Me: "No worries. Let's not even bring it up. How've you been?"

Her: "But don't worry - I actually sent that message to like, nine guys. I didn't even mean to send that to you - so it's okay."
Me (having had enough): "I don't know what's worse - that you're lying to my face or the fact that you might really have sent that message to nine other guys."

Her (much later, an aside to a friend): "He's obviously gay."



Anonymous said...

WOW. It sounds like this chick needed a little reality check. Or a big reality check.


Counsellor in Cultivation said...

well, she seems to have retained her pride through it all.

Mike said...

I knew a girl like that once. It didn't turn out quite the same. I ended up marrying her. But yeah, otherwise though, pretty similar.