Monday, September 17, 2007

Taking a Step Forward by Taking One Backward

My house is becoming too expensive.
While I've been incredibly proud of being able to purchase a house at 19, it's time to eat my pride and sell this damn thing.  Taking on a house has also meant taking on an incredible amount of debt - an INCREDIBLE amount - and it's eating away at me day by day.  I've never been so broke as I am now - and I have no right to be broke with my pay.  My house payment is going up ANOTHER hundred dollars a month thanks to rampant tax hikes (it JUST went up $100.00 at the beginning of this year)...
So yeah.  Big life change. 
I figure with the profits from my home sales and about 6 months of living with a friend at an extremely low rate o' rent I should be completely debt free (minus a car payment) by the end of that period.
Thank goodness.


Sara Sue said...

Don't forget about "capital gains tax". They'll screw you coming and going.

Parad0x said...

Capital gains tax only applies to profits over $500,000 here. I definitely won't come anywhere NEAR that number - both thankfully and regrettably.

Mike said...

Owning a house is not at all that it is cracked up to be. It's not the great American Dream, it's the great American Myth.

Enjoy your freedom!

Sara Sue said...

Amen. Besides, people now will never own their home outright ... not in California anyway, where every shit hole is $500,000.