Monday, January 14, 2008

Road Rage

Apparently I cut someone off on my way to school today (adequate use of a turn signal no longer qualifies as a method of signaling intent to merge, I guess) so this guy starts honking like a MOTHERfucker at me.  Non-stop.  Wave of thanks didn't get me off the hook.  Anyway, I get stuck at a stoplight about two minutes after that and this big black guy comes out of his car.
He walks up to me and I roll my window down.  A conversation ensues - my words are verbatim, his perhaps less so.
Me:  "What's up buddy?"
Him:  "Did you realize that wasn't a fucking turning lane you were in?"
Me:  "Actually man, there are two turning lanes.  I moved in to yours."
Him:  "THAT'S HOW ACCIDENTS ARE CAUSED!  *expletives roll*"
Me:  "My bad dude."
And I just stare at him.  The light turns green, so I point and let him know I gotta go.  As I slowly drive off I see him screaming (in the middle of the street - to himself, while every car in traffic (there's a lot of traffic, by the way).  "IT'S THAT FUCKING IMPORTANT TO ME!!!"
All I can say is wow.  I complain about the shitty drivers in town a lot - and I'm sure I'm guilty of being a shitty driver as well (obviously this guy thought so) - but I can't imagine getting out of my vehicle to yell at some cat five minutes after the NOT-ACCIDENT occurs.
Thanks for clogging up traffic you jackass.


Kerstin said...

You're in Texas right? I hate it there. I get the feeling you have to be plugged in to some sort of ESP network when you drive there because there is no rhyme or reason to the way people drive in that state.

On the upside, at least you didn't get shot.

Mike said...

I bumped into a guy's car once. There was absolutely no damage to either car. Of course I wouldn't have bumped into him if he hadn't stopped for a fucking green light.

Anyway, this huge black guy got out of his car and just went totally freaking nuts on my ass.

So I shot him.

No, not really.

I didn't have any bullets yet because I was on my way to buy bullets.

It was his lucky day.