Monday, June 4, 2007

Another Monday...

It smells like swimming outside.  I've decided there's no better way to put it.
You know that swimming smell.  That chlorine-splash, hot, wet, pool-water-evaporating-off-the-extremely-hot-pavement-around-the-pool that's so extremely hot you want to run back to the water but for the large "NO RUNNING" sign posted on the wall and the lifeguard with that great tan on the great body in her dark sunglasses through which you can't tell whether or not she's watching.
That smell.
Weird how scents are so closely associated to memories.
I "got some" last night.  It was good "some" but afterwards I realized it wasn't really what I wanted it to be.  I want that FULFILLING "some" with some emotion (on my part, at least but preferably mutual) attached to it rather than get-naked-screw-and-finish.
Man, I'm using a lot of hyphenation.
So yeah - another day, another couple hundred dollars and hours upon hours of indoctri-cation courtesy the state University system.
Magical, eh?


Counsellor in Cultivation said...

i walked outside today and could just SMELL summer. it was a cool feeling. there are usually days in each season that i can say i officially "smell" the new season.

Parad0x said...

Yes, yes. Gotta love it. Summer time is HERE.

Unfortunately none of my summer classes have attractive women in them.

So summer starts off on a poor note.