Friday, June 1, 2007

Ode to Bad Drivers

For those to whom green means STOP and red means SLOW DOWN...
For those who HAVE to wait at the stop sign because, although the three nearest lanes are completely clear, the fourth and furthest lane is completely full and that's where you HAVE to go.  Because...  you know...
For those who are in SUCH a hurry to take their lefts that they must cut directly in front of me at extremely rapid speeds requiring me to slam my breaks so hard I hit my head against my steering wheel...
For those who MUST be on the fast lane of the highway regardless of the fact that they are going 20 miles per hour under the speed limit...
I hate you and hope someone pees on the hoods of your cars.  I hope that persons urine is so acidic it immediately causes your paint to peel and your hood to warp and rust.
And I hope that paint job that person just messed up was brand new and REALLY, REALLY expensive.
Stupid dunderheads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm having the same kind of day...

Bad drivers? Oh, don't even get me started on driver's in my city.