Monday, June 11, 2007


So I was walking to the house today and tripped, fell right on my face.  I got up and grabbed my hurt face and thought to myself, "Man - this country puts too much emphasis on individuality."
I know, weird.  Most of us would think about how bad our face hurts.  I think about pressing societal issues.
But seriously - what is it with self-empowerment and our country's interest in the individual?  Have we really considered the dangers caused by people who care only about themselves?
We'll have no doctors, nurses, dentists ...  just plastic surgeons.  Entire ARMIES of plastic surgeons.  With their surgery guns and ninja outfits.
What a cruel world THAT will be.  The ninja outfits will probably be all tacky and shit. 
In other news I got wasted this weekend.  Really, really wasted.  Like - parts of my night are forgotten.  I don't generally allow myself to lapse in to the void of Blackout but this weekend was a "fuck-it" weekend if I've ever seen one.  And I have.  Since, you know, last weekend WAS one.
So I fucked it.  And it fucked right back.
Needless to say, Recovery Day sucked ass.  But I'm back at work.  Suffering.
The things I do to pay my mortgage.


Anonymous said...

I wish I had my own midget.

Parad0x said...

Funny you should say that.

I have midgets for sale - pennies on the dollar - CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP! "Cheep, like the budgie" if you've ever seen Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

Parad0x's Midget Service, at your service.

Anonymous said...

I own that movie, although I had to admit I'm a big fan of Snatch.

(The movie.)

I'm also guessing you are at work, working just as hard as me right now.

Parad0x said...

Work... that THING I'm supposed to be doing.

Yes. Yes, that sounds familiar.

Perhaps I'll try that in a few minutes.

Know what's ironic? I had to write a paper in one of my business classes on why employees should not be allowed to use the internet during office hours - causes 40% losses in productivity.

The only reason I believe it is because I live it.


Anonymous said...

I look at it this way, I have about an hour and a half before I get off of work, and really there's no point in me starting any projects because I wouldn't finish them in time, also if I start now, what would Tomorrow Winter do when she is suppose to be working?

See I care about the company.

Parad0x said...

Smart way to think about it. Me... I'm just lazy.
