Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hunting Prey

Women, take heed of this post.  Perhaps it will give you insight in to what guys are thinking when they see you, a sexy, hopefully single woman, in line in public.
These are the things we - or maybe just I - pay attention to when you're conversing with your friends.
So cute potential single walks in to line.  She's wearing scrubs so she's a nurse of some kind.  I like what I see.  She begins talking to her friend who just happens to be in front of me in line - she gives me a cursory glance and a smile so I pay attention.
During their conversation I pick the following sentences out and immediately interpret them, adding the comments relevance to my "talk to her" scale.  If they sound good, I'll talk.  If not, I will move on.
Sentence 1:  "Cathy is working my Saturday and Sunday."
My Interp: You have tonight and tomorrow off.  This is great news. 
Sentence 2:  "Joann at work is being a real bitch about following rules she says exist.  I've never heard them before.  I'll have to look through the handbook to find out if she's just pulling my chain."
My Interp:  Nice.  You're having problems at work and you don't require the brawn of a man to solve them.  Independence is attractive.
Sentence 3:  "Well, I couldn't be at work Tuesday because he had an appointment."
My Interp:  You either have a boyfriend/husband or a kid.  Probably a kid because most men are capable of taking themselves to their appointments which means you could have gone to work.  Either that or you're taking care of your senile father - either way, I'm not ready for the kind of commitment any of these possibilities will inevitably lead you to expect. 
That simple.  The lesson here?  Watch what you say ladies!  This girl probably didn't have any reason to watch what she said, but for those of you who are single and looking - we do listen rather intently and will take any off or odd sounding comment as a potential alarm.
What fun this game is!


Counsellor in Cultivation said...

i like the new look!!!

god, at least i know i'm not the only one that is completely analytical about random shit.

Parad0x said...

Thanks! I've learned from eavesdropping on many conversations that nothing is really random. Everything means SOMEthing.

Except when I speak. Then it probably means nothing.