Monday, October 22, 2007

You really don't sound that scary over the phone.

I mean it.  You don't intimidate me with your faux-deep voice, high school vocabulary and your favorite phrase: "Tell me what the fuck is going on."
What's going on is this:  you're an idiot.  You messed up your own account.  Now I have the opportunity to fix this tragic error of yours and you have a choice:
Continue being a dick or chill the fuck out.
"To be or not to be?" really.  That IS the fucking question, douchebag. 
So either chill or pay the three hundred fifty dollars in charges you racked up that you don't feel you should have to pay because you "didn't receive the bill for it."
One or the other.  Cuz I run this shit.   That's what the fuck is going on.


Mike said...

God, how do people deal with that shit all day long. I'd go postal in a heartbeat.

Parad0x said...

I'm not sure how I deal with it. I think it's out of necessity. One year left in college and then I'll (hopefully) never do this job ever ever ever ever ever ever ever again.

You won't believe the douchebags I talk to day in and out.

Counsellor in Cultivation said...

ohhhh i remember those days...
yeah, wednesdays with woodersoon is a GREAT blog... i wish he would post more.