Saturday, May 12, 2007

Numbers control my LIFE...

...and I hate them so.

I've never really considered this - or perhaps I have, just not in depth - but my entire life is run by a numbering system that, according to Wikipedia, "arose in India between 400 BCE and 400 CE."

No wonder I hate them. I had no say in their creation.

Consider - my job is quota-driven; I get paid based on the amount of money I make the company (in addition to a decent hourly wage, admittedly - but the commission I make is what pays the bills).

My education is entirely based upon numbers in the form of credit hours - I need x more to complete this degree and j more to complete the next.

My daily LIFE is run by numbers... food costs i much and gas costs w (as in way-too) much...

I've decided I don't hate math because of my difficulty in understanding its concepts - I have no such difficulty.

I simply hate the stranglehold mathematics seems to have on my soul.

Damn you, mathematics - damn you and your ilk.

1 comment:

Counsellor in Cultivation said...

thanks for your sweet comment on my blog!!! I'm glad you enjoy it -- just curious, how did you come across it?