Monday, December 17, 2007

I don't get it

Why do people get mad at things that didn't actually happen?
You won't believe the asshole who cut me off on the freeway today.  He almost caused a wreck!
How is that possible?
Now, I'm not the guy who cut you off on the freeway.  We don't even call it the freeway here.  I don't even know if what we have qualifies as a freeway - is there a difference between a freeway and a highway?  I should wiki-p that shit.
All that aside, my point is this - it makes no sense to get mad at shit that didn't happen.  That wreck DIDN'T HAPPEN!  You can't honestly prove that he almost caused a wreck.  Almost is difficult to quantify.  Why add drama and stress to your life?  Why not just be glad you didn't get hit and move on?
Further - why can't people just ... drop shit?
I'm sorry I left the milk out and it spoiled.  But hey man, the milk is gone!  We ain't gettin' that jug of milk back, dude!  I'll just spend the 3.50 required to purchase a new one and voila !  Problem solved.
Why remind someone three weeks later of a trivial error?  The world didn't end because the milk spoiled.  Why not just look at it from the brighter side, man - you just got a fresher jug of milk!  Sweet!
I just can't understand why people don't see it my way.  They should really start.

1 comment:

Malach the Merciless said...

Wow, dem's some deep thoughts . .