Thursday, December 27, 2007

The "Other" Kind of Dating

You know, it's not just men that say funny shit to get a date.  A female friend of mine just asked me if I wanted to date.  I said no and explained the millions of reasons why not - except the most crucial, hearbreaking one...  you know, "I'm just not that in to you." 
See, you can never really say that.  Ever.  Women suspect it anyway - if they didn't they wouldn't keep prodding and asking and begging when you say no.  In fact, I think that's true of both men and women - for some reason we're a glutton for punishment and "no" is just not ever enough.
But I digress - get this.
H: "But we've been safe dating for forever.."
P: "I'm sorry...  how's that?"
H:  "Haha fooled you!  Every time we went to the movies we were safe dating.  And you didn't even know it!"
P:  "But weren't you seeing someone at the time?  Were you "safe cheating?"
I think that's the best pickup line a girl has ever thrown my way.


Malach the Merciless said...

Your like the reincarnation of John Holmes

Parad0x said...

Haha! Minus the mindless screwing of various women of unknown origins, I suppose you have a point ;)