Monday, December 31, 2007

I hate driving in this town..

We have a bunch of professional shitty drivers in this town.
I was trying to take a left off a busy intersection during a red light.  This should not be a problem because good drivers will stop in such a way as to leave roads open during their stay at the Red Light Inn.  However, in my town drivers seem to think it is right and proper to park their huge SUVs directly in my path, blocking traffic going in and out of side roads and residential neighborhoods. 
It's pretty ridiculous and creates a huge traffic problem but no one seems to care.
Anger and fury are words which describe my feelings towards the drivers in my town.  Anger, fury and kitten-face-punches.


Malach the Merciless said...

Do nutty thing like Malach, people avoid me

Mike said...

Two words for you:

Columbus Ohio.

If you ever think the driving in your town is bad, go to Columbus, Ohio and you will immediately feel better about anything that is going on (driving wise) in your town.