Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Internet Needs Work

Talking to a girl through IM:

Girl:  Ugh, I'm sick.
Me:  Really?  What's the matter?
Girl:  I have a cold and my tonsils are swollen.
Me:  Really?  How swollen exactly?

I would -never- ask that in person.  Why would I ask that over the internet?  I think the problem is I have way too much time to think about what I say on the web - and I end up thinking it to death.



Mike said...

You should have asked her to take a picture of her swollen tonsils and then send it to you.

Counsellor in Cultivation said...

it is amazing how the net fucks with traditional communication... the lack of voice inflection, non-verbal cues, etc. it all seems so fake...and so easy to misinterpret a situation... same with text messages... one more reason why i HATE when that is the only way guys communicate.

Parad0x said...

When it comes to women, the lack of tone and inflection text messages allow can be a saving grace.

You women seem more than capable of imagining far worse possibilities by yourselves than our tones would imply!